维德英语网 英语在线一对一 典范英语7思维导图海象参加表演



**Topic:** A Walrus Participating in a Performance


1. Appearance of a walrus
2. Types of performances walruses can participate in
3. Preparation for the performance
4. Choreography and training
5. Challenges faced by the walrus during the performance
6. Audience reactions and feedback
7. Benefits of walruses participating in performances

**Details of each subtopic:**

1. Appearance of a walrus:
– Physical characteristics: large size, thick skin and blubber, long tusks, flippers, and a moustache-like whisker
– Adorable appearance and playful demeanor makes them popular for performances

2. Types of performances walruses can participate in:
– Aquatic shows: performing tricks in water such as swimming, diving, and
balancing balls on their noses
– Circus acts: performing stunts such as balancing on a ball or spinning a hoop on their tusks
– Film and TV productions: featuring in documentaries or movies

3. Preparation for the performance:
– Diet and exercise: strict diet to maintain weight and health, exercises to improve agility and stamina
– Health check-ups: regular check-ups to ensure their well-being
– Training: specific training for each performance

4. Choreography and training:
– Choreographer creates a routine for the walrus to follow
– Trainer works with walrus on learning and perfecting the routine
– Positive reinforcement used to motivate and reward the walrus during training

5. Challenges faced by the walrus during the performance:
– Nervousness and stage fright
– Physical strain from performing stunts and routines
– Changes in environment may affect the walrus’ performance

6. Audience reactions and feedback:
– Enjoyment and entertainment provided by the walrus often leads to positive feedback and reviews
– Criticism may arise from animal rights activists regarding the use of animals in performances

7. Benefits of walruses participating in performances:
– Provides mental stimulation and enrichment through training and performing
– Educational opportunities for audience to learn about walrus behavior and natural habitat
– Financial benefits for the facility where the walrus resides, which can be used for conservation efforts

While there are some who argue against the use of animals in performances, it is important to recognize the potential benefits for the animals themselves and the education and enjoyment they can provide for audiences. Proper preparation, training, and care for the
animal should be prioritized in any performance involving animals.


作者: acad2018


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