The Little Red Riding Hood, performed by the New Star English Drama Club, is a classic fairy tale that revolves around a young girl, Little Red Riding Hood, and her encounter with a sly and cunning wolf.
In the play, Little Red is sent by her mother to visit her sick grandmother with a basket of goodies. Along the way, she meets the wolf, who tricks her revealing her destination and the contents of her basket. The wolf speeds
ahead of her and arrives at the grandmother\’s house before Little Red.
Then, the wolf devours the grandmother and disguises himself as her, waiting for Little Red to arrive. When Little Red finally reaches
the house, the wolf pretends to be her grandmother and tricks her approaching him. In the end, Little Red and her grandmother are saved by a woodcutter who hears their cries for help.
The play is an amusing and entertaining
interpretation of the classic tale, emphasizing the values of caution, trust, and bravery. Through their performances, the young actors of the New Star English Drama Club showcase their talents and dedication to the arts.