Tom and Jerry English Poster
Title: Tom and Jerry – The Classic Duo
and Jerry is a classic American animated series created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. The show gained popularity and is still loved by
audiences of all ages around the world.
The main characters of the show are Tom, the mischievous cat, and Jerry, the clever mouse. They are always involved in comical chase sequences, with Tom trying to catch Jerry and Jerry outwitting Tom.
Every episode of Tom and Jerry shows a new story, with different objectives and settings. Tom and Jerry\’s chasing and running create a lot of slapstick humor, which is the primary reason for its popularity.
The show portrays the values of determination, humor, and wit. It also teaches morality, ethics and how to solve problems in a fun and entertaining way.
Tom and Jerry is an evergreen show loved by people of all ages, and its character designs, humor, and
clever storytelling have made it a timeless classic.